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Hunan University CEFMS Institute of Economics: Assistant Professor

2014年07月02日 点击:[]

Hunan University CEFMS Institute of Economics: Assistant Professor

Position Type: Assistant Professor

Categories/Specialties: Any Field

Subject to budget approval, the Institute of Economics at the Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS) seeks to hire multiple full-time faculty members at the Assistant Professor level. Hunan University (Changsha, China) founded CEFMS in 2013 as an international platform for research and education in economics, finance and management science. We invite applicants with research interests in any field of economics. Preference will be given to those with high-quality publications/working papers. Other duties include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, advising graduate students, and serving on committees. Applicants must have a PhD degree in economics by August 2014. Compensation is competitive and includes a research fund and housing subsidy. All courses are taught in English. Chinese language is not a requirement. We will conduct interviews at the 2014 AEA meeting in Philadelphia.

To apply, follow the instructions athttp://www.econjobmarket.organd submit (in electronic form only) detailed curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, sample research papers, sample syllabus and summary teaching evaluations.

Detailed information of the CEFMS is available at Contact Recruiting Chair Prof. Xiaojun Wang atwxjuhm@gmail.comif there is any question.

上一条:Faculty Recruiting for the Institute of Finance (2014)

