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2016年09月27日 点击:[]

Hunan University

Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS)

Position Type:Rank open

Categories/Specialties:Any Field

Subject to budget approval, the Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS) at Hunan University seeks to hire multiple full-time faculties, starting from fall 2016/2017. Our focus is at the assistant professor level, but the rank is open.

Hunan University has a reputation of being a top-tier research institution in China. CEFMS was founded in 2013 as a college-equivalent international platform for research and education in economics, finance and management science. For more information, visit

We look for full-time faculties in broader areas of economics but will consider applicants in finance/business/management /public-policy related fields. Compensation is competitive (includes a research fund and housing subsidy). All courses are taught in English. Duties include a low teaching load of graduate courses and research leading to high-quality publications in refereed international English journals. Preference will be given to those with a record/demonstrated potential of high-quality publications. Applicants must have a PhD degree at appointment. We will review/process applications and conduct interviews on a rolling basis, as well as at the 2017 ASSA meeting. Offers will be made until those positions are filled.

To apply, follow the instructions on the web site and contact Ms. Ping Qi ( for questions.

Job candidates are welcome to contact any our faculty members for questions or further information!


