Current Position: Faculty & Staff> Full-time Faculty

Full-time Faculty

Yaqin Su

Ms. Yaqin Su got her Ph.D. degree in economics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Now she is an assistant professor at the Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies of Hunan U...

Chenghan Hou

Chenghan Hou joined the center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies at Hunan University in Fall 2017 as a tenure track Assistant Professor in Economics. He completed his PhD in Economics at T...

Si Wang

Dr. Si Wang joined the Center in Fall 2015 as a full-time tenure track Assistant Professor in Economics. She got her Ph.D. in Economics at the University of South Carolina in 2013 and taught Principle...

Xinping Tian

Xinping Tian earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests include environmental economics, international trade, and the Chinese economy. His recent resear...

Zhe Zhai

Zhe Zhai earned her Ph.D in Economics from Georgia Institute of Technology. Her Ph.D dissertation focuses on innovation and uncertainty issues in the healthcare industry. She graduated from Boston Uni...

Shen Gao

Dr. Shen Gao joined the Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS) at Hunan University in Fall 2017 as an assistant professor in Economics. He got his Ph.D. in Economics at the Unive...

Zhifeng Wang

Zhifeng Wang got his PH.D. at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He joined the Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies as an assistant professor in September 2018. He is interested in the empirical questions in development economics and international trade. His recent papers have been published in Journal of Development Economics, The World Economy and Singapore Economic ...

Zhicheng Li

Zhicheng Li joined the center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies at Hunan University in Fall 2018. Now he is a tenure track Assistant Professor in the Finance Institute. Zhicheng earned his Ph.D. degree from Stony Brook University. His research interests include financial economics, financial econometrics, time series modeling and computational finance. Now he teaches Finance graduat...

Teng Ma

Teng Ma joined Center for Economics, Finance and Management Studies (CEFMS) at Hunan University in Fall 2019. He got his Ph.D. degree from Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. His current research interests are mostly in applied econometrics and microeconomics. He uses both empirical and experimental methods to answer questions in environmental econom...

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