
Topic1: Composites under Harsh Environments: Civil Engineering and Aerospace Engineering perspectives;Topic2: How to Write Papers to Enhance Journal Acceptance

通讯员: tmxyuser4 初审: 复审: 时间: 2016-06-07

Speaker:Prof.David Hui, chief editor ofComposites Part B

University of New Orleans, Dept of Mechanical Engineering

Host:Prof.Zhi Fang

Time:15:00 June 8, 2016


Conference Room,Wind Engineering Research Center of Hunan University

Dr. David Hui is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and director of Composites Materials Research Laboratory at University of New Orleans. He received his Ph.D. from University of Toronto in Aerospace Engineering, and Master of Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Dr. Hui has edited over 40 widely cited books, as evidence in the Google Search showing on these books. Other books includes, editor of Army Research Office workshop "Dynamics of Structures" proceedings, ICCE/1-24, SES, ASME books and numerous special issues of journals, and served as numerous keynote lecturers. He has served as founder and editor-in-chief of one of the most prestigious journals in composite materials, Composites B Engineering journal, currently in its 25th year of publication and impact factor is 2.983 in year 2015. This journal ranks in top 6% among 83 journals in Engineering Multidisciplinary catagory in ISI.Curently, he serves on the editorial board of 11 SCI journals, seven of them are nano journals, and the rest are mostly composite materials journals. Dr. Hui is ASME Fellow, ICCE Life Member, AIAA Associate Fellow and CASI Associate Fellow. Dr. Hui was awarded The Ohio State University Research Award, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Certificate of recognition, ASME Ralph James Award (ASME Petroleum Division), NASA Certificates of Recognition, ASME ETCE Service Awards, the University of New Orleans Alumni (lifetime) Career Research Achievement Award and the University of New Orleans, University Research Professor. Dr. Hui is the chairman of ICCE, which has grown to be one of the world's pre-eminent annual "technical" composite materials or nano-materials conference.

Dr. Hui has conducted approx. 4 million US dollar funded research on composites materials and nano-materials, mostly for mechanical/aerospace engineering and ship structures applications. He is widely known for his research on (i) nano materials mechanical properties modeling and prototyping (ii) mechanical behavior of materials under high or low temperatures, flammability and creep of composite materials, including smart material and structures, (iii) impact of blast dynamics, micro-crack initiation and growth under thermal and mechanical loadings and (iv) infrastructure composites under harsh environments. Dr. Hui has co-authored over 220 SCI journal publications, and these papers have received over 3000 citations from ISI web of science (over 700 citations per year in 2015, not including self -citations from www.webofscience.com). Currently, Dr. Hui serves on over 40 technical committees or editorial boards, consisting of over 2000 respected scientists on specific diverse fields of materials or nano science.

One of Dr. Hui’s outstanding contributions in research lies in the modeling of penetration of composite materials using the energy partition model and functional graded approach to enhance the durability and safety of engineering structures under harsh environments. Hispioneered research on the mechanisms of degradation of materials under low temperatures on composites has resulted in enormous improvement in the safety of engineering structures. Dr. Hui was the first to validate the dramatic effects of small curvature on vibration of flat plates, leading to the re-design and re-analysis ofmany structures critical for engineering safety.

Dr. Hui was the recipient of research grants from NASA, ARO, ONR, AFOSR, NSF, LEQSF, US Army CRREL, GCRMTC, NOAA, Wright Patterson AFB, Universal Energy, Avondale Shipbuilding Inc., Northrup Grumman Ship Systems, among others. In recent years, Dr. Hui presented numerous keynote lectures: He was successful in promoting federally funded multi-universities partnerships on nano-materials or composite or nano materials.

Topic1:Thelecturepresents an overview of the current state of the art in low temperature effects on materials in terms of durability and safety of vehicles.Susceptibility of composites to failure at low temperature is a critical issue. The competing effects for fatigue of fiber-reinforced polymer composites at low temperatures will be presented.Emphasis will be on civil engineering structural and other involving earthquake applications, orthogrids, FRP rebars, sandwich structures, guardrails, piers and structural members.The whole range of temperatures from low temperatures -250 deg C to high temperatures up to Glass Transition Temperaturesisrevealed.Thislecturewill address these issues usingphenomenological models and experimental observations.Thislecturealso deals with high temperature failures.

Topic2:The criteria for journal acceptance will be discussedand explained.This will include 11 tips, and detailed descriptions on what an editor willlook for, and why a paper is accepted or rejected.This talk will enablestudents and professors to pay special attention on abstracts, introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.The talk will also involve how to conduct research to get the best results, and how to write MS or Ph.D. theses.

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