
学术报告:Rapid characterization of stress-strain behavior for unsaturated soils

通讯员: tmxyuser4 初审: 复审: 时间: 2016-06-15

主讲人:Professor Zhang, Xiong


时 间:2016年6月17日周五9:30~10:30

地 点:风洞会议室

Dr. Xiong Zhang:Associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, and Architectural Engineering, and Construction Management, College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Cincinnati. His studies focus on development of advanced laboratory techniques to rapidly characterize geomaterials, constitutive modeling coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils, numerical modeling of climate-soil-structure interaction, slope stability analysis, soil stabilization and ground improvement, and frozen ground engineering. He was one of the two speakers of ASCE GeoInstitute Unsaturated Soils Committee Webinar on “Introduction to Constitutive Modeling of Unsaturated Soils.”Dr. Zhang is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Geomechanics and Engineering, An international Journal and committee member of several nationwide technical committees such as TRB AFP60 Committee on Engineering Behavior of Unsaturated Soils, TRB AFS20 Committee on Soil and Rock Instrumentation, and ASCE Geo-Institute Pavement Committee and Shallow Foundation Committee.

Suction- controlled tiaxial (SCTX) tests are considered to allow researchers to investigate influences of individual variables on unsaturated soils under specified stress path with controls of stresses, pore water and air pressures. This presentation discusses the limitations of the SCTX tests in the characterization of unsaturated soils. A possible solution to the problem was proposed based on a newly developed modified state surface approach (MSSA). It is proposed that results from undrained (constant water content) tests be used to replace the SCTX tests for the constitutive modeling purpose. Not only can it produce theoretically correct results with much simpler testing equipment, but also significantly reduce the testing time (from 2-3 months/test to 2-3 hours/test). This can potentially leads to extensive applications of unsaturated soil mechanics in routine engineering projects.

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