2nd International Symposium on Asia Urban GeoEngineering
24(Fri.)-27(Mon.) November 2017
Hunan University, Changsha, China
Host:International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering ATC6
Organizers:Hunan University
Tianjin University
ATC6 of the International Sociey of SoilMechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
InvitationYou are warmly invited to attend the 2nd International Symposium on Asia Urban GeoEngineering on November 24-27, 2017 in Changsha, a historical and modern city in Hunan, China. The aim of this symposium is to share ideas and experiences about urban geoengineering in Asian countries among engineers, researchers and academia professors. The emphasis will be on improving our knowledge in meeting geoengineering requirements for a long-term sustainable urban development and the need to protect and preserve our environment. We look forward to having the pleasure of welcoming you all in Changsha.
Symposium themeEnvironmental friendliness, sustainability and dirversity in urban geoengineering
•Fundamental behavior and constitutive model of geomaterials;
•Excavation engineering;
•Urban environmental geotechnical problems and disaster effects;
•Risk and safety assessment, management and control in urban geoengineering;
•Design standards of deep excavation among Asian countries
Scientific committee
Chair :C. Y. OU (Chinese Taipei)
BC. HSIUNG (Chinese Taipei) Y.S. FANG (Chinese Taipei) D.W. CHANG (Chinese Taipei) H.S. HSIEH (Chinese Taipei) K.H. YANG (Chinese Taipei) S.M. LEE (Chinese Taipei) C.R. SENG (Chinese Taipei) H.C. JUANG (Chinese Taipei) C.R. HUANG (Chinese Taipei) H.W. HUANG (China) R.P. CHEN (China) G. ZHENG (China) J.H. WANG (China) W.H. ZHOU (China) M.H. ZHAO (China) J. ASHISH (India) M. IRSYAM (Indonesia) R. PAULUS (Indonesia) |
H. AKAGI (Japan) M. SUGIMOTO (Japan) J. TAKEMURA (Japan) M. KIKUMOTO (Japan) A. ZHUSSUPBEKOV (Kazakhstan) S. LEE (Korea) Y.C. TAN (Malaysia) S.S. LIEW (Malaysia) K. YEE (Malaysia) A. GOH (Singapore) F.H. LEE (Singapore) N.T. GUAN (Singapore) V.C.W. ONG (Singapore) W. CHEANG (Singapore) P. NOPPADOL (Thailand) P. TANSENG (Thailand) D.L. PHUNG (Vietnam) |
Organizing committee
Chair :R.P. Chen, G. Zheng
W. G. CAO, C. F. CHEN, M.H. HUANG, P.Y. HONG, X. M. LIU , Y. H. SU, X. TAN, X. J. ZHOU,
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: Aug. 30, 2016
Abstract submission notice: Sep. 31, 2016
Full paper submission deadline: Dec. 31, 2016
Full paper submission notice: Mar. 31, 2017
Early bird registration open: Apr. 30, 2017
Conference LanguageThe official language of the conference will be English.
About symposium
Extensively urban construction is going on in Asian countries,environmental friendliness and sustainability are emphasized in modern urbanization processes. Environmental friendliness addresses the control of ground movement, mitigation measures and risk management. Those control or mitigation measures should be sustainable. Moreover, the performance of deep excavation and tunnels, mitigation measures and risk management are often site dependent and vary from country to country. The ground conditions, construction practices, codes and standards are very different among Asian countries. The aim of this symposium is to share knowledge and experiences of the analysis, design, construction and maintenance of urban geoengineering among engineers, researchers and academia professors in Asian countries.
Abstracts and paper submission
The abstract should be written in English and should clearly explain the contents of the studies discussed. The abstract (no more than 800 words) must include the title of the paper, authors, affiliation of authors, e-mail address of corresponding author, 4-5 keywords and the text in English. The content of the full papers submitted should be scientific, advanced, innovative, and must not have been published in any academic journals or reported in any academic meetings. The author of the selected paper will be invited to make a presentation on the 2nd-ISAUG.
Selected papers after peer-review will be published in a special issue in Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering). Detail information of the journal can be found at:http://www.zju.edu.cn/jzus/#
Registration fee
early bird regular
General participant $350.00 (RMB2300.00) $400.00 (RMB2600.00)
Full-time students $200.00 (RMB1300.00) $250.00 (RMB1600.00)
Accompany $200.00 (RMB1300.00) $250.00 (RMB1600.00)
The host city
Being the political, economic, scientific and technological, educational, cultural and transportation center in Hunan, Changsha is among the first group of Chinese cities which were selected as famous historical and cultural cities in the country and allowed to open-up to the outside world. It is rich in tourist resources because of its unique geographical location. Surrounding the city are the beautiful Yuelu Mountain, Dawei Mountain and Weishan Mountain, and the Xiangjiang River and Liuyang River flow across it. The Juzizhou scenic spot in the city is regarded as one of the eight most charming places in Hunan attracting both domestic and overseas visitors.
Hunan University
Hunan University, originating from Yuelu Academy founded in 976 A.D. during the Northern Song Dynasty, is the oldest institution in Chinese history, earning it the name "One-Thousand-Year-Old Institution". With 1030 year old history it has transformed from an ordinary ancient academy to a famous modern institute. It is situated at the foot of the picturesque Yuelu Mountain and on the west bank of the rippling Xiangjiang River in the historically and culturally renowned City of Changsha, capital of Hunan Province. It enjoys the title of an "Ancient Millenarian Academy, Famous Centennial University".
Dr. Xin Tan
College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University
Changsha 410082, Hunan Province, China
Tel: +86-731-88821342