
学术报告:Dynamical Integrity: a step after stability

通讯员: tmxyuser4 初审: 复审: 时间: 2016-09-30

主讲人:ProfessorStefano Lenci

Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italylenci@univpm.it该Email地址已收到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它您需要在浏览器中启用JavaScript。





The achievements occurred in nonlinear dynamics over the last thirty years entail a substantial change of perspective when dealing with vibration problems, since they are now deemed ready to meaningfully affect the analysis, control and design of mechanical and structural systems. This talk aims at overviewing the matter, by highlighting and discussing the important, yet still overlooked, role that some relevant concepts and tools may play in engineering applications.

Upon dwelling on such topical concepts as local and global dynamics, bifurcation and complexity, theoretical and practical stability, attractor robustness, basin erosion, dynamical integrity, recent results obtained for a variety of systems and models of interest in applied mechanics and structural dynamics are overviewed in terms of analysis of nonlinear phenomena and their control. This is discussed for discrete systems and reduced order models of continuous systems, for applications ranging from macro- to micro/nano-mechanics.


Prof. Lenci made research and taught at the Universities of Ancona (now Polytechnic University of Marche), Camerino, Pisa, Rome “La Sapienza” and Paris 6,. He was the responsible of various national and international scientific projects. He authored about 267 scientific publications, among which 2 international books and 124 papers on international, peer reviewed, scientific journals with high impact factor. He is serving as Associate Editor for Journal of Vibration and Acoustics(ASME), Nonlinear Dynamics, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics(ASME), Meccanica, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications. He was the Chairman of the XIX Italian Congress of Mechanics, held in Ancona, 14-17 September 2009 and of the Euromech 541, held in Senigallia, 3-6 June 2013.

His research is focused on the investigation of several aspects of the nonlinear dynamics of various mechanical systems and models. An original method for controlling the nonlinear dynamics and chaos has been developed and applied to various mechanical systems. The dynamical integrity of mechanical systems has been investigated. Recently, he investigated the mechanical behaviour of dry-earth seen as a structural material, the nonlinear vibrations of non-uniform beams, and the effects of the boundary conditions of the nonlinear oscillations of beams. An important research area in which provides contributions is the seismic vulnerability of building (civil and industrial, new and existing, in reinforced concrete and masonry) and of historical cities.

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