
学术报告:Five years of research at Politecnico di Milano, Italy on self healing cement based materials

通讯员: tmxyuser4 初审: 复审: 时间: 2017-07-20

报告人Liberato Ferrara博士




时 间:2017/07/20 14:30

地 点:土木院楼B210

lLiberato Ferrara is Associate Professor of Structural Analysis and Design at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He is currently chairman of ACI Technical Committee

Fiber reinforced. The main research interests of professor Ferrara include advanced cement based materials, such as fiber reinforced concrete and cementitious

composites, self compacting concrete, high performance concrete, ranging from

the material concept to the characterization of its performance in the fresh and hardened state, to the numerical modelling of the behavior of the fluid concrete and cementitious suspensions and of the mechanical constitutive behavior in the

hardened state, to the formulation and validation, through pilot structural

applications, of structural design models and guidelines.

lFerrara has published about 200 book chapters and papers in international peer reviewed journals, technical press, proceedings of international and national conferences. On the same topics of his research prof. Ferrara has lectured in more than 30 scientific seminars in preeminent universities and research institutions.

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