2016/12- 美国加州大学伯克利分校环境设计学院博士后/(全球人居环境研究中心-Margaret Crawford)
2017-至今 湖南大学建筑学院副教授
[6]Environment-Behavior Research Association,EBRA2012,Evaluation on the actual effect of public square spatial system in Dalian,China(1/2),201210;
[14]Urban Informality: A Case of the Reality of Campus and Its Periphery Student Village, Wuchang China,A 6* (RAE) BuHu 8th International Postgraduate Research Conference, UK,2008;
[1] 2016年湖南大学年度优秀教师奖;
[3] 2016年湖南省普通高校教师课堂教学竞赛,二等奖;
My research is concerned with the history and present of public everyday life practice, with a focus on interactions between China and the West. My theoretical interests revolve around the critical distinctions of Formality and Informality, Top-down and Bottom up, Social and commodity, Originality and Imitation, Conceptual and Normal labor, and thus my work focuses on objects and practices at the boundary of these categories.
My first book,UrbanInformality(Southeast University Pressof China,2010) Senate authorwith my PhD supervisorProf.Longyuan, is a study ofHanzheng Street, China, the world's largest production center forcommodity Market. It consists of 78 lanes and covers an area of 1.67 square kilometers. The book examines conceptual top-down urban renew,different social groups, streets, property rights inHanzheng Street, and evaluates the formal Urbanization.
Obtained my PhD from the History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture a program atHUSTand Cardiff Uni.
I am currently working on my first monograph on MarketTacticssince the housing system reform in 1998. This book will situate the Street vendors, retail owners, tenants work of anonymous.
Meantime to joining the departmentof HNU, I do my postdoctoral work as a Junior Fellow ofCollege Environmental Design, Berkeley Universitywith Margaret Crawford in the Global Urban Humanities.
Education Background
12/2016-Postdoctoral,University of California, Berkeley
10/2009– 09/2005, PhD at Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,China
10/2007 -09/2008,Exchange Studentin city and regional planning College, Cardiff University, UK( Full funding by China national study Fund Committee,)
09/2005– 06/2004,Master ofTechnology,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,China(Graduation grade:excellent)
09/1999– 06/2004,Bachelor of Architecture, HuNan University,Changsha,China(Graduation grade:excellent)
Hunan University outstanding teachers, Hunan University,2016;
Hunan Province classroom teaching competition second prize, Hunan Provincial Department of Education,2016;
National urban and rural planning professional teaching excellent paper award,,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China,2016;
Building height control method systeminHilly City (1/1), "City Planning Review " ,Beijing,China, 09/2017
Informal Evolution of Urban Street Space (1/1), "City Planning Review " ,Beijing,China, 04/2013
Collage City (1/1), "City Planning Review " ,Beijing,China, 11/2012
Maximized through Design Principles in the Hills Hity Design, "Chinese Garden" ,Beijing,China, 12/2012
New Urbanism and its influence on contemporary Chinese residential community design (1/1), "Chinese and foreign construction" ,Changsha ,China,12/2011
Research on "Student Street" surrounding Universities (1/2), "Architectural Journal" ,Beijing,China,11/2008
Western Planning History Enlightenment urban planning (3/3), "City Planning Review", Beijing,China,11/2006;
Control in British urban landscape planning (1/2), "Urban Planning International", Beijing,China, 02/2009
The regional government of moving construction "Administrative Area" phenomenon (1/1), "Huazhong Architecture",Wuhan,China,12/2006
2016 China Urban Planning Professional Steering Committee City Science and Society Survey Research Method Construction (Conference Reading), 2016
2015 China Urban Planning Professional Steering Committee, based on multi-disciplinary theory of public participation in the design of teaching methods, 2016
Urban informality(6/7),Southeast University Press, (co-author),2010
ResearchExperienceand ResearchFunding
Finance Department:China National Natural Science Foundation Granted No:ISIS584763,ResearchProjects:Evolution of the old city space under the perspective of Urban Informality, 09.2007-09.2010
Finance Department:Hunan Natural Science Foundation,Granted No:2012FJ6076,ResearchProjects:Commercial District’s Irregular Evolution Mode, 09.2012-09.2014
Finance Department:China National Natural Science Foundation
Granted No. 51508173ResearchProjects:City children's play space system planning studies,09.2015-09.2017,
Finance Department:China Doctoral Fund ,GrantedNo:201305440697 ,ResearchProjects:Public participatory technology(PPGIS) applied theoretical based on network, 09.2013-09.2015
Finance Department:Hunan University T ,Granted No. 2012026,ResearchProjects:Preliminary participatory planning teaching method, 09.2012-09.2013
Finance Department:Hunan University Young Teachers Program Fund ,Granted No. 2012071,ResearchProjects:City Center Commercial District’s strategies to reduce self-built models, 09.2012-09.2017
Finance Department:Hunan Science and Technology Office of Science and Technology Program,Granted No. 201133440795,ResearchProjects:Hunan hilly area of new affordable housing design strategy research, ,09.2010-09.2013
Lot Building Layoutinhistoric district surrounding the construction of Changsha control, Changsha City Planning Authority, Granted No. long gauge Han [2012] No. 276, Changsha City Planning Authority
Changsha Ecological Protection Strategy residential Historic District, Changsha City Planning Authority
Changsha City Planning Authority: Changsha residential public facilities planning study, Changsha City Planning Authority
Changsha City residential public facilities planning studies, Changsha Urban and Rural Planning Authority,2015
The town of Changsha Yuchangping Town development concept plan, Yuelu district government,2013
Changsha Yuchangping town Town center transformation planning and design, Yuelu District Government,2013
2012 Changsha Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area planning revision, Changsha Urban and Rural Planning Authority,2012
Haining City in Zhejiang Haining Road landscape planning and design tender award, Haining Urban and Rural Planning Bureau,2012
West Changsha Pioneer District Meixi Kosai Area Planning Planning,2011
Guide students and other award-winning
2015First prize
Title: HighEfficiencyMedicalTreatmentMap,National Steering Committeeof Urban andRuralPlanningEducation in China,Urban andRuralSocialComprehensivePracticeResearchReportCompetition
2015Second Prize
Title: TheFall of Bund,National Steering Committeeof Urban andRuralPlanningEducation in China,Urban andRuralSocialComprehensivePracticeResearchReportCompetition
2015 Third Prize
Title: Roof to Revolution,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China,Urban and Rural Social Comprehensive Practice Research Report Competition
2015 Honorable mention
Title:CityRunway,National Steering Committeeof Urban andRuralPlanningEducation in China,Urban andRuralSocialComprehensivePracticeResearchReportCompetition,2014;
2014 Third Prize
Title: Community home care service modelfor the elderly,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China,Urban and Rural Social Comprehensive Practice Research Report Competition
2014 Honorable mention
Title: Bridge,National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China,City Design Competition