











2002~2006学士,中国 上海,同济大学,建筑环境与设备工程专业

2006~2009硕士,中国 上海,同济大学,供热供燃气通风及空调工程,导师张旭教授

2009~2014博士,美国 宾州 匹兹堡,卡耐基梅隆大学,建筑性能与诊断,导师Khee P. Lam教授


2010~2013美国宾州 匹兹堡,卡耐基梅隆大学,建筑学院,教授教学助理

2013~2013美国纽约 约克镇,IBM T.J.沃森研究院,数学科学院 过程科学与能源分析研究组,实习研究员

2014~2017美国加州 伯克利,美国能源部劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室 建筑技术与城市系统部,博士后研究员

2017~2020美国明州 罗彻斯特,美国Well人居实验室, Delos健康建筑集团,历任 高级研究员,技术主管,高级技术主管

2017~2020美国明州 罗彻斯特,梅奥医学中心 医学与科学学院 创新研究中心,历任 研究员,助理教授

2021至今中国湖南 长沙,湖南大学建筑学院建筑系,教授,博士生导师





R. Zhang, C. Campanella, S. Aristizabal, A. Jamrozik, J. Zhao, P. Porter, S. Ly, B. Bauer. Impacts of Dynamic LED Lighting on the Well-being and Experience of Office Occupants. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17 (19), 1–27. ISSN: 1660-4601. (SCI)

R. Zhang, K. Sun, T. Hong, Y. Yura, R. Hinokuma. A Novel Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Heat Recovery System Model: Development and Validation. Energy and Buildings, 2018 (168), 399–412. ISSN: 0378-7788. (SCI)

R. Zhang, T. Hong. Modeling of HVAC Operational Faults in Building Performance Simulation. Applied Energy, 2017 (202), 178-188. ISSN: 0306-2619. (SCI)

R. Zhang, Y. Nie, K. P. Lam, L. T. Biegler. Dynamic optimization based integrated operation strategy design for passive night ventilation and active building air conditioning. Energy and Buildings, 2014 (85). ISSN: 0378-7788. (SCI)

L. Zhang, R. Zhang, T. Hong, Y. Zhang, Q. Meng, Impact of post-rainfall evaporation from porous roof tiles on building cooling load in subtropical China. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018 (142) 391-400. ISSN: 1359-4311. (SCI)

N. Clements, R. Zhang, A. Jamrozik, C. Campanella, B. Bauer. The spatial and temporal variability of the indoor environmental quality during three simulated office studies at a living lab. Buildings, 2019,9(62). ISSN 2075-5309. (SCI)

R. Zhang, Y. Nie, K. P. Lam, L. T. Biegler. Dynamic optimization based integrated operation strategy design for passive night ventilation and active building air conditioning. Energy and Buildings, 2014 (85). ISSN: 0378-7788. (SCI)

L. Zhang, R. Zhang, Y. Zhang, T. Hong, Q. Meng, Y. Feng. The impact of evaporation from porous tile on roof thermal performance: A case study of Guangzhou's climatic conditions. Energy and Buildings,2017 (136), 161–172. ISSN: 0378-7788. (SCI)

O. Karaguzel, R. Zhang, K. P. Lam. Coupling of Whole-Building Energy Simulation and Multi-Dimensional Numerical Optimization for Minimizing the Life Cycle Costs of Office Buildings. Building Simulation: An International Journal.2014,7(2).ISSN: 1996-3599. (SCI)

K. P. Lam, R. Zhang, H. Wang, B. Dong, Rui Zhang. Development of Web-Based Information Technology Infrastructures and Regulatory Repositories for Green Building Codes in China (iCodes). Building Simulation: An International Journal.2013,6(2).ISSN: 1996-3599. (SCI)

A. Jamrozik, N. Clements, S. Hasan, J. Zhao, R. Zhang, C. Campanella, V. Loftness, P. Porter, S. Ly, S. Wang, B. Bauer. Access to daylight and view in an office improves cognitive performance and satisfaction and reduces eyestrain: A controlled crossover study. Building and Environment, 2019 (165). ISSN: 0360-1323. (SCI)

S. Aristizabal, P. Porter, N. Clements, C. Campanella, R. Zhang, K. Hovde & C. Lam. Conducting Human-Centered Building Science at the Well Living Lab, Journal of Technology, Architecture and Design, 2019(3), 161-173, ISSN: 2475-1448.

S. Rong, S. Allen, J. Zhao, C. Lyu, R. Zhang. Circadian Lighting and its Smart Control Strategy: A Review. Illuminating Engineering Journal, 2017 (28), 5. ISSN1004-440X.

T. Hong, K. Sun, R. Zhang, R. Hinokuma, S. Kasahara, Y. Yura. Development and Validation of a New Variable Refrigerant Flow Model in EnergyPlus. Energy and Buildings, 2016 (117). ISSN: 0378-7788. (SCI)

T. Hong, M. Piette, Y. Chen, S. Lee, S. Taylor-Lange, R. Zhang, K. Sun, P. Price. Commercial Building Energy Saver: An energy retrofit analysis toolkit. Applied Energy, 2015 (159). ISSN: 0306-2619. (SCI)


R.Zhang, K. Lam, Y. Nie. Dynamic optimization based integrated operations of the desiccant wheel air conditioning system. The 5th Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference (SusTEM2019). May 2019, Hangzhou, China.

R. Zhang (Keynote Speaker). Living Lab for Human-Centered Building Science Studies. U.S. NSF Workshop RCN-SEES-SHBE: Predictive Modeling Network for Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems. May 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

S. Hasan, A. Jamrozik, C. Campanella, S. Aristizabal, R. Zhang, N. Clements. Living Labs: Measuring Human Experience in the Built Environment. Proceeding of CHI 18, No. W31. April 2018, Montreal QC, Canada.

R. Zhang. Integration of Building Science and Health Science for the Transform of Healthy Buildings. Health, Wellness, and Sustainability in Future Smart Buildings: A US–China International Workshop. June 2018, San Antonio, TX, USA.

R. Zhang. Commercial building energy saver: an online simulation-based energy retrofit analysis toolkit. Yuelu Forum. Dec. 2016, Hunan University, Changsha, China.

T. Hong, K. Sun, R. Zhang. The New Variable Refrigerant Flow System Models in EnergyPlus: Algorithms Development, Implementation, and Validation. Building Simulation 2017: the 15th International Conference of IBPSA. August 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA.

R. Zhang, T. Hong. Modeling and Simulation of Operational Faults of HVAC Systems using Energyplus. ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA SimBuild 2016 Conference. August 2016, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.

T. Hong, K. Sun, R. Zhang, Oren Schetrit, Ryohei Hinokuma, Shinichi Kasahara, Yoshinori Yura. Development and Validation of a New VRF Model in EnergyPlus. ASHRAE Winter Conference. January 2016, Orlando, FL, USA.

R. Zhang, Y. Nie, K. Lam. Dynamic Optimization of Integrated Operation Strategies for the Building VAV System and Night Ventilation using the Simultaneous Collocation Method: a Case Study. Proceedings of the 2012 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference (BSO12). September 2012, Loughborough, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-1-897911-42-6.

O. Karaguzel, R. Zhang, K. Lam. Integrated Simulation Based Design Optimization of Office Building Envelopes for the Minimization of Life Cycle Costs. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE 2012). August 2012, Boulder, USA. ISBN: 978-0-9816881-9-0.


Rongpeng Zhang, Tianzhen Hong. Modeling and Simulation of Operational Faults of HVAC Systems using Energyplus. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report, Aug. 2016, LBNL-1004498.

Rongxin Yin, Arian Aghajanzadeh, Rongpeng Zhang, Aimee McKane, Peter Therkelsen, Tianzhen Hong.Development and Validation of Demand Response Quick Assessment Tool for Refrigerated Warehouses in California. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report, Aug. 2015, LBNL-50003026. Award No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.

M. Piette, T. Hong, W. Fisk, N. Bourassa, W. Chan, Y. Chen, I. Cheung, T. Hotchi, M. Kloss, S. Lee, P. Price, O. Schetrit, K. Sun, S. Taylor-Lange, R. Zhang. Small and Medium Building Efficiency Toolkit and Community Demonstration Program. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report, Mar. 2017, LBNL-2001054. Report to U.S. California Energy Commission.

Khee Poh Lam, Rongpeng Zhang, Haopeng Wang, Bing Dong, Rui Zhang. Development of online Green Building Project Management and Analysis systems. Project Report to Energy Foundation, Feb. 2012, Grant No. G-1103-13851.

Khee Poh Lam, Rongpeng Zhang, Boyuan Li, Omer T. Karaguzel. Evaluation of the Prevalent Building Energy and CFD Simulation Tools in the Building Industry. Project Report to DOE, Jan. 2012, Award No. EE0004261.

Khee Poh Lam, Omer Karaguzel, Rongpeng Zhang, Jie Zhao. Identification and Analysis of Interoperability Gaps between Nbims/Open Standards and Building Performance Simulation Tools. Project Report to DOE, Feb. 2012, Award No. EE0004261.

Khee Poh Lam, Bing Dong, Rongpeng Zhang, Rui Zhang. Development of a Web-Based Information Technology Infrastructures and Regulatory Repositories for Green Building Codes in China. Project Report to Energy Foundation, Nov. 2010, Grant No. G-0909-11472.

Khee Poh Lam, Omer T. Karaguzel, Rongpeng Zhang, Boyuan Li, Haopeng Wang. Development of a Web-Based Survey Platform for the Evaluation of Building Performance Simulation Tools. Project Report to DOE, Jan. 2012, Award No. EE0004261.


美国能源部高级科技署(US DOE ARPA-E)DE-AR0000936,美国政府科研项目,基于新型人员检测设备与方法的建筑物能耗量化评估(Quantification of HVAC Energy Savings for Occupancy Sensing in Building through an Innovative Testing Methodology)2020-12021-08,结题,主持。

松下集团(Panasonic Corporation),国际企业科研项目,动态照明对办公建筑室内人员的健康影响分析(Impacts of Dynamic LED Lighting on the Well-Being and Experience of Office Occupants)2017-92020-08,结题,主持。

美国能源部(US DOE), 00171505,美国政府科研项目,EnergyPlus建筑仿真平台开发(Building Energy Modeling - EnergyPlus platform for energyefficient buildings and retrofits)2015-012018-12,结题,参加(排名2)

大金公司美国分部(Daikin US Corporation)FP000012,国际企业科研项目,变制 冷剂流量热回收(VRF-HR)空调系统的能耗性能分析(Quantifying energy efficiency and performance of a Variable Refrigerant Volume - Heat Recovery system)2015-042016-03,结题,参加(排名2)

美国能源部(US DOE),美国政府科研项目,空调系统运行故障的建模与仿真(Modeling and Simulation of HVAC Operational Faults)2014-092016-08,结题,参加(排名2)

美国加州能源署(California Energy Commission),美国政府科研项目,CBES商用建筑能耗在线模拟与评估系统(Commercial Building Energy Saver (CBES): an online building simulation toolkit)2014-092017-08,结题,参加(排名4)

美国能源部(US DOE),美国政府科研项目,冷库建筑的需求侧响应评估工具开发(Development of Demand Response Assessment Tool for Refrigerated Warehouses)2014-092015-08,结题,参加(排名3)

美国能源部(US DOE),美国政府科研项目,变制冷剂流量热回收热泵系统(VRF-HP)的建模与验证(Development and Validation of a New Variable Refrigerant Flow Heat Pump (VRF-HP) Model)2013-042015-03,结题,参加(排名3)

美国能源部(US DOE),美国政府科研项目,OpenStudio系统低能耗举措的开发研究(Development of Low Energy Measures for OpenStudio)2014-092015-08,结题,参加(排名2)
